LAST UPDATED:April 06, 06
--Hey JFH here. Im just workin on
the site so i thought that i would make an update. Today is going to be our first practice with ian. we are teaching him 4
songs and finishing out new song and recording it. If things go right the song will be up on PureVolume tonight. look for
it. URL for the purevolume site is on the "Links" page. Peace out the fuck, Jizack-4/7/06
--BREAKING NEWS!! Poverty-Stricken
has found its 4th member! Thats right! Mr. Ian Fucking Rose is jammin on the 6-string with PS! He is attending our friday
practice to learn our songs and record our new one! Look for the new song on our purevolume site! It's titled "Prostrate".
Ian's first show with us will be The Talent Show of Death! Check the "Shows" page for more details on that! oh! and on a more
exciting note! I (JACK) FIllED OUT MY PROFILE INFORMATION! check it out on the "about us" page! Thats all for now! -Jizack-4/6/06
--A show, finally! One of our
fellow bands that we are good friends with arranged a show in the theater of our high school, it's anyone who wants to come
and we already have quite a load coming. Check the shows page for details.-3/27/06
--Hey it's tay, I just thought i'd let you guys know
that I got my amp at last! I'm so excited, the Kustom Wav 212 is mine and it rocks. Anyway, onto business, we
just finished the design and began printing our new t-shirts. Check them out at the soon to come merchandise page.
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